Meet The Yeasties: Tien
Tien is more commonly known a as a gym rat to her friends, but a little known fact is she is a water rat, as well. Growing up in San Diego led her to being forced to join a swim team for five of her formative, she left the water hoping to never return again.
Fast forward, fifteen years later, she bought her first foamie only to sell it two years later, unwrapped, to a mysterious Craigslist seller who turned out to be @joefixx
Another two years later, she gathered her confidence, bought a used foamie and wetsuit from @surfboardtribenyc and went into the water for the first time of that 2021 “Summer” in November. During the course of that month, she went in a literal handful of times and has been waiting until temperates rise to a preferable range. She went into the water sans board last week, but may bring it out for a whirl soon.